The news today? 14 consecutive days of 100+ weather...
News flash people... we live in Arizona. Why is this a surprise? lol
So, right now I am watching American Idol and I am very confused... I am pretty sure that there is a crazy chick who just lost her mind and is running around the stage singing. The Guards can't seem to get a good grip on her, lol, and I have no idea what is going on.
Anyway... Here's my Life Update* I am on the worst medication EVER. Terrible side effects. I feel like a monster. Or a 50 year old woman going through Menopause. I can't sleep, and when I do I have these crazy wacked out dreams that can't be described in words without sounding like I'm under the influence. I am moody, irritable, and have these bipolar moments where one second it's sunny and the next it's pouring rain and my roof has caved in! And on top of all that, quick sharp craps that nearly bring me to the floor! The worst part about the whole situation is that these are all NORMAL side effects! There is a possible chance that I may have to go through this for the next 7 months! Oh please! Dear Lord, don't let that be!
On a brighter note! My husband is a college graduate!!! I am so proud of him! He worked so hard these last couple years, going to school and working full time while maintaining a 3.68 GPA! I feel so blessed to have a husband who works so hard to ensure that our family will have a bright future!
What an amazing man! :)
Other than that... I'm still me.
(Just a little moody, but still feeling incredibly blessed!)
hey i was on megans page and saw yours how's it shaken?