It's that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the starts, over the fence, world series kind of love.
A lot has happened in the last six months. Yess... it's been half a year since I last wrote! Yikes!

I can't believe Micah is 6 months old.
You know how they say, "enjoy them while they're little because they grow so fast." Well, although it's kind of annoying to hear, it's the truth. And the worst part about it is, knowing it doesn't make it any easier. Micah is growing at an exponential rate. Everyday, he has more hair, his cloths are a little tighter, and he's learning new amazing things. I love it and hate it... equally. I want every minute to be twice as long, every laugh to be three times as loud, and every hug to be ten times tighter. I want time to just stop right now, so I can soak up this moment to it's entirety. I never want to forget a the details that that have made my life so wonderful.
Becoming parents has been the absolute most amazing experience for both Andrew and I. We have loved every moment of it, even those tough little ones that occasionally, and most of the time inconveniently, occur. Having our baby boy has shown a whole new light on our world.
Over the last six months I have felt so much love pouring in from all directions. I don't know how to describe it; I suppose a good way to start would be incredible. I guess, I just feel as though I have found a perfect little place in this world, beside my husband and with my son, that I absolutely never want to leave.
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