Hi guys! So, when Andrew and I began trying to start a family, we bought every book out there. We wanted to research EVERYTHING so that we could to insure the well being of our baby to the best of our ability. One big thing that has come up is whether to vaccinate our kids or not. Prior to becoming pregnant, it was just something that we had talked about, hadn't looked into it seriously. However, now that we have a little bundle of joy actually in existence, we have begun to buckle down on the the topic. Through our research, Andrew stumbled on something that I thought was really weird and oddly interesting. He spoke to our chiropractor's brother about his thoughts on the issue, being that they have seven kids had have not vaccinated any of them. (I will leave the details of the conversation for later blog when we have come to a concrete decision.) In the midst of the conversation, he told Andrew that a great way to prevent ear infections in babies as well as young children is to take them to the Chiropractor on a regular basis. I was like babies?! Really? He went on to say that when a baby is born certain bones in the body and even the head have to adjust so he or she can come through the birth canal. These bones can be readjusted to prevent strained muscles (which lead to ear infections because fluids are not being drained correctly). Also, as the baby gets older, her limber little body often will have bones slip out of place, just like adults, which makes for a fussy kid. To top things off, they told us that none of the kids in their ENTIRE FAMILY, including cousins as well, have ever been on antibiotics, had a serious ear infection, or been sick enough to keep a parent home from work. That's amazing being that there are about 15 kids in that group! I just thought I would share that with you because I found very interesting... It just gives you something to think about! :) Good night!
Very interesting! I have heard of taking babies to the chiropractor before and that it really works. I love going so I don't see why a baby wouldn't :-) LOL!