10 weeks 1 day

When I saw IntelliGender advertised on CNN, it was as though an Angel was speaking directly to me through my television! It was a spectacular moment! An at home gender predication test with a 78% percent accuracy rate at 10 weeks… this was a miracle! Before I presented the idea to my wonderful husband, like any women who wants to get her way, I had to do my research! I looked up reviews on the product and was pleasantly surprised at how many positive comments it had received! Not to try and deny the fact that I was sold prior to this, but after having read all the reviews I was REALLY sold. I then told Andrew about this AMAZING product and said at the very least it would be something fun to do! He agreed and we were off to Walgreens! (There was no turning back now!) We got home, and much like everything with a pregnancy, found out we had to wait. It was a first thing in the morning test and for $30.00 we weren’t going to take any chances. We were going to do this thing EXACTLY as the directions read. So, this morning we popped out bed and followed every step precisely! But… I guess God just didn’t want us to know, lol, or he just wanted to get a few laughs out of us because this test that is supposedly “so easy to read” left us feeling not much smarter than a fifth grader. The directions said, if it’s orange or yellow, it’s a girl. Green to dark blue, it’s a boy. It doesn’t really say anything about green bottom top yellow! We went online to see "examples" on the website. There are four examples of what each result would be. The first three of both were pretty obvious but the last ones were kind of iffy. Well, of course, lol, our result landed smack dab in the middle of both the boy and girl "iffy" examples! So, end result; We still don't know. Andrew thinks that the test was leaning more towards girl and I think it was a more boyish. Which is funny because he's hoping for a boy and I am hoping for a girl... (of course we both will be happy a healthy boy OR girl!) I guess we will just have to stop trying to cut corners and wait a couple more months like normal people. lol... but all in all, I was right, it's definitely something "fun to do". So if your expecting and can mustard the thought of wasting thirty bucks on a potentially useless and aggravating test, I would say, "Do it".
It's official. The Doc says no more jewelry. She couldn't put her finger on exactly WHY my body is doing what it is, but she said that it's obviously unhappy, which means the rings are OFF. Or... they are suppose to be. I might just push my luck... we'll see. At the very least, this situation will make for interesting stories in the future :)
***This is definately the most exciting news todate* But I hate Blogger and don't know how to do anything on it (like relocate the text without retyping what I have alrerady written!) Oh well! Today, was kind of a mile marker in our pregnancy. At our first ultrasound a few weeks ago, we saw the heartbeat of the baby, which actually just looked like a little smudge in a peanut, but we didn't actually get to hear it. I do not know why. The more I think about it, the less it makes sense. But honestly this is my Dr.s office I am talking about here, and nothing surprises me there. Anyway, today however we did hear it! It was absolutely amazing! And not "intelligender amazing" I mean... incredible, like parting the waters incredible. Words could not begin to describe the feeling. I still haven't reached that point where I feel like I am pregnant. I was sick BUT I have been sick before and nine months after a miracle didn't burst out of me breathing, pooping, and screaming. So to actually HEAR the heartbeat, was just beyond words. No more doubt, a BABY is actually there! :)
On a more uncomfortable note... I haven't gained any weight, in fact, I have lost four pounds. This isn't entirely unheard of but my Doctor seemed a little concerned so she prescribed a suppository (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!). She said that if I can't hold food down over the next week or so to try them because they will help. Um. WHOSE EVER HEARD OF A SUPPOSITORY DOING THAT! Yuck. "INSERT, CLENCH, and HOLD" are three words that should NEVER be used in the same sentence. Blahh. Lucky, I have been feeling much better this week, thank you God, and hope to continue the trend. The end of my first trimester is inching it's way here and before I know, I will be happy, hungry, healthy Theresa again! Yay.
Beautiful post! Sorry to hear about the gender predictor mishap but it happens, LOL! So glad you got to hear the heart beat...it truly is an AMAZING little sound...VERY VERY fast little sound HAHA! Sorry to hear about the suppository...not sure how in the world that will help you to gain wt because that will make you have to go which would again decrease the your wt but whatever like you said this is "your" Dr. we're talking about HAHA!
ReplyDeleteWe didn't hear the heartbeat the first time we went in either (8 weeks). We were kinda bummed but I think it is just a little to faint to locate. Not too sure. But now you will get to hear it at every appointment and it just gets better and better. Mervyn and I also bought a fetal heart monitor device at Babies R Us and we can listen to it whenever we want! It was hard to hear in the beginning but it gets easier the farther along you get.