Week 11 day 4
103.4 lbs.
Hi guys! I thought that it would be fun for you to all to watch me grow, or read about it at least. Ha ha...ya know, pack on the pounds. I always like to watch people get fat, even if they are getting that way for a good reason, there is something rewarding about it. ;) So, from now on I will include my current "first thing in the morning" weight! I may come to regret this in the future but I am going to take my chances.
ha! I have conquered the beast! This last week has been great. I still get sick when I eat certain foods like; citrus fruits, dairy products (fresh out of bed), really greasy junk, anything my dad cooks, and McDonald's. Oh! And PICKLES!!! Yeah, that's what I said, STINKIN PICKLES. What kind of pregnant woman am I? Anyway, just to clarify in case my stepmother reads this: my father is wonderful cook. He just is that though. Wonderful. And this baby can't handle high flying meals with extreme flavour and goodness. No way. So, other then that, I have felt pretty good! And to celebrate I have been cleaning! Yay for a clean house! Well... a clean front room!
So I have been waiting and waiting and waiiiitttting, to have one of those moments when the thought of food doesn't absolutely disgust me... Well, food in general still makes my stomach scream out in anger and insanity, however... I had a moment! It was one of those instant cravings things you hear about! Oh what a glorious moment! I woke up from my afternoon nap (yes, I take them EVERYDAY!) kind of in this lully numb-ish state of mind, I kind of felt like a bowl Jell-o if that makes any sense at all. And I kept thinking... mmmm. Dino Nuggets. Ketchup. Mustard!! After these sweet sweet words enter my mind I no longer had a choice... I had to have them. I stumbles my way to my car keys and set off on a mission! That mission lasted about 3 minutes. I opened my garage and was walking to my car when I saw my neighbor out front. I noticed he was wearing a sports shirt and as usual I couldn't keep my big mouth shut. I told him about how if he went to Chick-fil-A that he would get a free sandwich because they were doing a sports promotion for Labour Day. One thing lead to another, and he packed his family up and we were ALL off to Chick-Fil-A... Unfortunately, when you put the words nuggets and CFA together it can easily be misinterpreted as an invitation. Don't get me wrong, we had a fantastic time... but I didn't my moment of sheer bliss and happiness... CFA just didn't do it for me. Nope, not like Dino Nuggets would have. Now... I am just waitttttttttting again. I don't know if I will ever want anything like I did that day ever. ever. again. However, if does happen, I am prepared! I will be taking no chances this time... There's an extra large bag of nuggets in my freezer :)
Sounds like things are going well! Can't wait to see you guys...only a few more weeks!