102.4 lbs

On Tuesday Andrew and I had another ultrasound and it was AMAZING. We were able to see our little pepperchini moving all over the place and we saw all the bones in it's body! (Which I am not going to lie was a little weird.) It was really cool because they started with a traditional US and then they switched it to 3D. I was so shocked because the baby was incredibly active!!! The best part was when the tech started to shake my belly really fast because she wanted the baby to turn around... poor thing! It was bouncing all over the place! Lol, US's are really hard for me because when I see the baby, all I want to do is laugh. I know it's pathetic. Most women cry because they are so over taken by the moment, and here I am wanting to laugh! Seriously! What's wrong with me, lol. I had to keep holding my breath so that the Connie ( the US tech) could do her job. At this particular appt. they were checking for chromosomal disorders and down syndrome... And I am very relieved to announce that so far Andrew and I have a perfectly healthy little peanut! It has legs, arms, fingers, and toes, eyes, mouth, a big ol' head, and a little nose! And a well developed nasal bone, which I guess is very important at this point in time, YAY! Our next US is on October 4th. The Tech said that by then, we should be able to find out if it is a boy or a girl! Connie gave us her prediction... she said that she thinks it's a boy. She said not to paint the room yet because things can definitely change, however, this baby is packing something and at this point if it were a girl she wouldn't have quite so much... Whatever the end result, I know that we will be thrilled. God knows what Andrew and I can handle, so there are no worries here! We will just have to wait and see!
I Lied.
I truly, honestly, believed that I was over the whole being sick thing. But... I was very wrong. This past weekend was the WORST weekend in the history of my existence. I will spare you the dirty details but lets just say, I feel terrible for Costco employees who worked on Sunday.
Well, I will write more this weekend... I need to catch some zzz's.
Bye-Bye Butterfly.
I can't wait to find out what it is...even if it is a "man" baby HAHA! Love the *three* of you!