1. BABYWISE aka The Baby Bible
I hate hearing from people that their kids don't sleep. The other day I had someone tell to enjoy naptime while it lasts, her son was 18 months old and he refuses to take them. "REFUSES"... who is in charge here? This book has been an amazing help in creating a schedule that leaves Micah happy and gets mommy lots of z's. I would HIGHLY recommend this book to any new mother. It's the best!
3. Gripe Water

4.Snap-n-go Stroller
I use to watch moms cart their carseats in and out off Chick-Fil-A like it was nothing, so naturally I got it in my head that I could do the same. That when they were really little a stroller was a waste of time. WRONG. I don't know what in the world I was thinking, but those woman who do that at CFA, must hate themselves!!! They are off the wall CRAZY! First of all, a carseat with a baby in, even a tiny one, weighs more than you think. They get dang heavy! Just do yourself a favor and make the investment. Go out and get a good stroller, one that is compatible with your carseat. We have the UppaBaby Vista, Stoller and I LOVE it. I know that strollers can be a little pricey, but your poor arms will thank you later.
5. Mixing Spoons
Weird I know, but Micahs favorite things to play with are not toys that we purchased for him but anything we pull out of our kitchen! Mixing spoons in particular! He's likes to chew on them, bang them on things, and hit the Mobile on the swing with them. He just loves his spoons. :)
6. Baby Links
BEST TEETHING TOY OUT THERE! Micah started teething right around three months and we tried all kinds of teethers. When he was that little he didn't want to touch anything cold. He also didn't want to search for a particular part of a toy that could fit into his mouth. These links have been a life saver, they attach to everything, he can chew on every inch of them, he can shake them around like crazy, and now that he is older they're great for attaching toys to his stroller. They are cheap, easy to clean, and babies love them. A+
7. Mirrors
This is another one of those crazy things, but Micah loves to look as himself. He can be in the middle of a complete melt down, and all you have to do is put him in front of a mirror. BAM! It's like magic... Andrew lifts his to the mirrors that hang around the house, but Micah's a big boy and if I did that, my arms would fall off. So, I have a couple of baby mirrors that can velcro to random things, like his carseat, that I let him have. He could stare at himself for an hour if I wouldn't interrupt him. LOL... such a silly guy!
8. Sleepy Sacks
This one is totally optional BUT I really like them. It has been said that children under the age of one shouldn't sleep with blankets, another precaution to take in order reduce SIDS, but I hate putting Micah down thinking that he may get cold in the night. This is a safe way he can sleep and be kept warm without a blanket! It's great!
9. Beaba Baby Cook

10. Binkie Clip
All that I can say is LIFE SAVER!
And that's it...
We have everything but the Beaba...that's on my wish list ;-)!
ReplyDelete:) It's a wonderful invention. When Brooke gets to solids, we should have a cooking party. It will be fun! :)