Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Call Me Crazy

Cloth Diapers.

28 Weeks 3 days
115 lbs (last Thursday)

I don't know about you, but as of just a few months ago I thought that cloth diapers pretty much didn't exist anymore. I thought they were a thing of the past, something fun and special our grandparents got to enjoy. Frankly, the thought of people using cloth in today's world disgusted me. WHHHY would anyone do that to themselves? Well, after much research (seriously like 30 hours!) I have become a changed women!

About two or three months ago, I told Andrew that I wanted to cloth diaper our baby. He was amazingly understanding and right from the git go was on board with it. There I was ready to show off all my in depth research, thinking I was going to have to convince him, and nope! He was like, okay. If that's what you want to do, lets do it. I of course couldn't let all my hard work go unseen, so many times he has had to sit down and endure what I like to call "Cloth Diapering Daddy 411" hosted by, moi! :) Hehe...

So, my husband was easy, but he's been about the only one. I would say that around 90 percent of the time when I tell people that we are cloth diapering they look at me in horror. Who could blame them, in October my mouth would have literally dropped to the ground had someone said that to me! We have heard it all from, "Good luck with that" to "Hope you have Costco Card", some people just ignore the comment all together... It makes me laugh.

The good thing about this situation is this; if it doesn't work it doesn't work. It's not the end of the world. Who knows, maybe a few months into it we will realize it's not for us. I truly doubt this will happen but if it does, big deal? Used cloth diapers have a great resale value. There is a whole world of people who LOVE and I mean LOOOOOVVVE cloth diapering. Lightly used diaper sell almost aswell as brand new ones. And we are not NOT going to use disposables, we definitely will have and use them. Cloth diapers will just be our primary ones. The way I look at it is this, at the very least we can say we tried it. I am staying home with our son and I believe with all my heart that if I didn't do it I might regret not having tried. The only way to become the best parents we can be, is by trying new things and figuring what works for us and what doesn't.

So to anyone out there who is considering cloth diapering, it might not be for you but if you want to try it; JUST TRY IT. Don't be discouraged because everyone thinks you're a quack. You never know, you just might become one of those people who LOOOOOOOOVE it! :)


Well, I am SUPER excited about the whole thing. As odd as it may sound! Cloth diapers are SO not what I thought they were going to be. There is so much more out there than just prefolds and snaps. It's definitely not my grandmas rockin' style anymore!

I did a lot of research on what would work best for Andrew and I, and we narrowed it down to a few. I am in LOVE with 3 diapers in particular. Gdiapers (with cloth inserts), GroBaby, and Rumparooz. I've tried them all out on the youngest boy that I worked with and put a few on my neighbors daughter. They were awesome!!! Seriously, Andrew thinks that I am so funny because I get all happy and jump around when I get a new package in the mail. Every time I see a small baby, I just want to pick it up and change it's diaper! lol... I am sure that that urge will disappear soon, haha, but right now it's almost uncontrollable.

The Diapers.




  1. Mason's Lil Joeys should be here today!!!! I'm so excited to get them...then I am going to order more! hahaha!

  2. My aunt uses cloth diapers and SWEARS by them. And you are right they are actually adorable now! My cousin has so many kinds and they have held up amazingly. Plus it is great that they make them with room for the baby to grow so you don't have to buy as many. Good job on going green!!
