Thanks for the CHICKENPOX.
Strangers are always telling me the craziest things. Things I honestly don't care about. However... because I am undeniably pregnant they feel that somehow or another, it is their personal duty and/or moral obligation to inform me about what they have experienced thorugh pregnancy or have heard themselves. Although, this sometimes can be very interesting, more often then not, it has made for some very awkward conversations as I am sure you can imagine. When a complete stranger comes up to you and wants to chat up a storm about how painful her episiotomy was or how everyone they know as almost died at the hospital you're delivering at, you pretty much want to just disappear... or murder them. Usually, it's one of the two.
(Sometimes both!) Well, lately I have been getting alot of woman who like to tell me about how crazy and vivid their dreams got towards the end of their pregnancy. How they were completely terrified that they were going to give birth to a headless monster or a giant squawking squid bird. I always listened to them, smiled, and thought to myself, "this person is INSANE or on drugs, get me out of here!". Well, much like the Chicken Pox, I should have known to stay away from these people or I was going to get what they had. I should have ignored them, pretended like I was deaf, or just straight up ran when I saw one coming! But of course I didn't and I guess it was only a matter of time before I caught their itch. Last night I had my first (and hopefully last) totally bizarre pregnancy dream. I am going to share it with everyone, not because I am one of the crazy-story-telling-strangers, but because I don't want to become one of those crazy-story-telling-strangers. This will be my one out, to ensure I never have the uncontrollable urge to approach a poor innocent pregnant girl, and completely blow her mind out of her head. Before I get into the details, I would just like to clarify that NO I am not on Drugs, NO I am not insane, and NO I have not been drinking during my pregnancy. The Dream: I was taking the baby to the nursery to change his diaper. When I got there, I put him down on the changing pad and the CRAZIEST thing happened. His head fell off! Just... plop! Then it shrunk to the size of a barbie dolls head and dried out like a little raisin! Unlike a NORMAL person who would have totally FREAKED OUT, I just went on about my business and changed his cloth diaper. When I was all done I picked him up, looked at him, and thought to myself, "this isn't right". Then I looked down, picked up his head and squished back on. It re-inflated to it's original size, his little eyes popped opened, and then everything was great. So, the point I hope to have gotten across is... STAY AWAY FROM CRAZY-STORY-TELLING-STRANGERS. & especially, don't let them touch you, or you will get what they have!
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